Scrapper is the secondary antagonist of Mr. Bean: The Animated Series. He is Julia Wicket's extremely hot-tempered and ugly one-eyed Persian cat who despises Mr. Bean just like his owner Julia Wicket, fondly enjoys the man's failure and distress and will always try and make life worse for him. This feeling is equally reciprocated by Bean, as he too enjoys tormenting him (even getting him nearly killed at one point, albeit unintentionally), but can only do so if Wicket isn't looking, as she is extremely fond and protective of Scrapper. He has very sharp claws and teeth, which he uses for ripping things up.
Scrapper is a yellow-furred cat with black legs who has lost his right eye and has two notches taken out of his right ear, as well as a small triangular chunk taken out of his tail. He sports a light muzzle and one of his whiskers are missing. His ears are colored brown and black, respectively. He has a black stripe and tip on his tail and three black spots on his body: one on his only eye and two on either side of his body, as well as two brown spots on his tail and back, respectively. He wears a turquoise collar with a small bell on it.
He is very honest towards his owner, he is a cruel one who get happiness seeing Mr. Bean's failure, he is mostly seen with Julia Wicket so he is the one was always with Julia Wicket.
Even though he hates Bean, he may show slight care for him because he snarls at the mime, apparently warning Bean that the mime is following him. When the need arises, Scrapper is willing to ally with Bean such as when Scrapper allows Bean to rescue him when he is trapped in the sewers. The alliance is of course temporary since Scrapper resumes hating Bean once everything is back to normal.
It is unknown why Scrapper hates Mr. Bean, since he is the one who saved him from the two bad guys that wanted to throw him in a river and gave it away to Julia Wicket when he was a kitten. However it may be assumed due to his owner Julia Wicket, who strongly dislikes Mr. Bean, which gave him influence in hating Mr. Bean.